Category Archives: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

My Favorite Epstein Barr Virus Therapies…

My Favorite Epstein Barr Virus Therapies…
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Categories:Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epstein-Barr Virus, Hashimoto's Disease, Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Disease
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A common question I am asked is “how did your wife, Natasha, overcome her EBV?”

While there are numerous ways you could attack EBV, I am going to give you the ones that changed my wife’s life (I don’t say this lightly) and are the ones I use with my patients.

Here You Go!

  1. Immune Boosters: We used a lot during her journey. The ones that I feel made the biggest difference are Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and zinc.

  2. Biofilm Busters: Biofilm likes to keep you sick. It protects the infections (viral, bacteria and even candida). Monolaurin and Biocidin were some of the biofilm busters she used.

  3. Ozone Therapy:Ozone therapy was a GAME CHANGER! A little controversial but helps kill infections, detoxify the body, modulate the immune system and oxygenate the body. Natasha did this via IV therapy and rectal insufflation.

  4. IV Nutritional Therapy: Myer’s Cocktails were a life saver on the days Natasha felt bad. If you do nutritional deficiency testing (I like Genova’s NutrEval Test) you can fine-tune your IV therapy.

  5. Rife Technology: Rife therapy is another tool in the toolbox we used to help go after the virus. Rife therapy has been used since the 1920’s for cancer treatment. There are many companies you can choose from but we have the TrueRife machine and recommend it to all patients. I like the way you can customized the frequencies based on the condition you are working on. You can also create custom frequencies (typically done by a doctor who scans your body first).

Think of Your Therapies as Tools

The more tools you have at your disposle, the faster you will be able to heal. You don’t have to buy all of the technology, as some clinics offer the use of therapies like ozone and Rife technology at the clinic.

However, we wanted to be able to do therapies whenever we wanted and not have to travel to our clinic.

We travel a good bit (we have Sprinter van) and take our portable ozone generator with us in case Natasha has an off day and needs a boost = OZONE to the rescue!

Earlier in the article, I mentioned these therapies changed my Natasha’s life. Those are powerful words and the proof is growing inside of her as I type this article. We are expecting our first child in 5 weeks.

There was a point in time when we didn’t think Natasha would be healthy enough to conceive, much less carry to full term.

Her hard work paid off, and the next chapter in our journey is about to begin!


If you have questions about anything mentioned above, schedule a complimentary consultation and let’s chat.

A common question I am asked is “how did your wife, Natasha, overcome her EBV?”

While there are numerous ways you could attack EBV, I am going to give you the ones that changed my wife’s life (I don’t say this lightly) and are the ones I use with my patients.

Here You Go!

  1. Immune Boosters: We used a lot during her journey. The ones that I feel made the biggest difference are Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and zinc.

  2. Biofilm Busters: Biofilm likes to keep you sick. It protects the infections (viral, bacteria and even candida). Monolaurin and Biocidin were some of the biofilm busters she used.

  3. Ozone Therapy:Ozone therapy was a GAME CHANGER! A little controversial but helps kill infections, detoxify the body, modulate the immune system and oxygenate the body. Natasha did this via IV therapy and rectal insufflation.

  4. IV Nutritional Therapy: Myer’s Cocktails were a life saver on the days Natasha felt bad. If you do nutritional deficiency testing (I like Genova’s NutrEval Test) you can fine-tune your IV therapy.

  5. Rife Technology: Rife therapy is another tool in the toolbox we used to help go after the virus. Rife therapy has been used since the 1920’s for cancer treatment. There are many companies you can choose from but we have the TrueRife machine and recommend it to all patients. I like the way you can customized the frequencies based on the condition you are working on. You can also create custom frequencies (typically done by a doctor who scans your body first).

Think of Your Therapies as Tools

The more tools you have at your disposle, the faster you will be able to heal. You don’t have to buy all of the technology, as some clinics offer the use of therapies like ozone and Rife technology at the clinic.

However, we wanted to be able to do therapies whenever we wanted and not have to travel to our clinic.

We travel a good bit (we have Sprinter van) and take our portable ozone generator with us in case Natasha has an off day and needs a boost = OZONE to the rescue!

Earlier in the article, I mentioned these therapies changed my Natasha’s life. Those are powerful words and the proof is growing inside of her as I type this article. We are expecting our first child in 5 weeks.

There was a point in time when we didn’t think Natasha would be healthy enough to conceive, much less carry to full term.

Her hard work paid off, and the next chapter in our journey is about to begin!


If you have questions about anything mentioned above, schedule a complimentary consultation and let’s chat.

Overcoming an Autoimmune Condition to Start a Family

Overcoming an Autoimmune Condition to Start a Family
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Categories:Black Mold, Candida, candida overgrowth, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epstein-Barr Virus, Hashimoto's Disease, Mold Toxicity, Thyroid Disease
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Natasha and I are SOOOO happy to share with everyone that October 15th is the due date of our first ‘little one’!

Some of you may know the good news already if you have been following our social media accounts.

If you are just now finding my website and reading through the blogs, I want to share with you our story.

Mold, Epstein Barr Virus and Hashimoto’s Disease

It all started when Natasha was diagnosed with Epstein Barr Virus about 6-years ago.

This was triggered due to living in a home with black mold in Laguna Beach, CA. The EBV caused Natasha’s immune system to attack her thyroid tissue, resulting in Hashimoto’s Disease.

During her numerous treatments, we thought she would never become healthy enough to conceive. Much less carry to full term.

We discussed harvesting her eggs, and even adoption.

All we have wanted was a family, so we began looking at Plan B and Plan C.

Fortunately, Plan A came to fruition!

As we are expecting Babe to arrive soon, I want to share with you some of what Natasha did to get to the point of conception. I hope her story can be in inspiration to you if you are in a similar position with your health.

Here We Go

First, we got to the bottom of what triggered her EBV and Hashimoto’s Disease. Detoxifying mold from Natasha’s body took a lot longer than we expected due to being re-exposed after leaving California. Note: make sure to discuss mold testing with me if you suspect you have been exposed. We learned the hard way when testing and detoxifying mold.

Second, we did A LOT of testing. Specifically, we tested for the following:

1) Candida – this is commonly seen in mold patients
2) Lyme Disease – luckily she was negative for this
3) Genetic mutations – we all have them, and supporting her mutations was crucial

Third, we did a lot of detoxifying. Genetically, Natasha doesn’t detoxify very well. Specifically, she doesn’t detoxify mold well. I see this with a lot of patients. This is why a I didn’t get as sick as Natasha, even though we lived in the same house and were exposed to the same toxins.

Natasha doesn’t make glutathione very well. We learned this from her genetic testing as well. Being low on glutathione played a role in her inability to get rid of toxins from the mold.

Fourth, we supporting her methylation mutations that impacted her immune system. Autoimmune disease runs in Natasha’s family. Her mother and two sisters have Hashimoto’s Disease. Genetically, Natasha has mutations that impact how well her immune system functions. You may have heard of the methylation genes. Some doctors check for MTHFR mutations. However, those are only two out of thirteen methylation genes that can impact the immune system.

Fifth, we followed up on her thyroid markers, religiously. I know after working with many families through the years that miscarriages happen when thyroid hormones are low. In order to feel confident in beginning to try and have a family, I wanted to see Natasha’s thyroid hormones look perfect!

Sixth, I finally looked at iodine levels. I feel this was a huge piece of Natasha’s puzzle. Since testing her iodine, I have made it part of my routine blood panels for those with thyroid disorders. Like most Hashimoto’s patients, Natasha was really low on iodine.

We developed our own thyroid supplement when we found this out. The supplement has thyroid, pituitary, hypothalamus, and thymus glandulars, along with a small amount of iodine.

If one has Hashimoto’s Disease, you must be VERYcareful supplement with iodine. You can make yourself feel worse if iodine levels get too high.

I was taught to NEVER give a Hashimoto’s patient iodine. But, I am stubborn and hard-headed…I used my wife as a guinea pig. I will say this, I have great mentors and teachers, but sometimes even with the best people in your corner you need to think for yourself and challenge the traditional dogma.

Iodine was HUGE for Natasha and many of my patients since.

This process may sound easy, but it took almost 6-years.

Why Did it Take so Long?

We had to figure it out on our own.

We consulted with other specialists, but it all came down to use putting the pieces together over time.

Unfortunately, Natasha’s story is very common. I have other women share similar stories to me on a weekly basis.

The good news, now I can speed up the healing process for them after years of developing protocols based on what Natasha and I went through.

If you are struggling conceiving or having multiple miscarriages, reach out to me. Let’s chat about what may be missing. You are not in this battle alone!

Natasha and I are SOOOO happy to share with everyone that October 15th is the due date of our first ‘little one’!

Some of you may know the good news already if you have been following our social media accounts.

If you are just now finding my website and reading through the blogs, I want to share with you our story.

Mold, Epstein Barr Virus and Hashimoto’s Disease

It all started when Natasha was diagnosed with Epstein Barr Virus about 6-years ago.

This was triggered due to living in a home with black mold in Laguna Beach, CA. The EBV caused Natasha’s immune system to attack her thyroid tissue, resulting in Hashimoto’s Disease.

During her numerous treatments, we thought she would never become healthy enough to conceive. Much less carry to full term.

We discussed harvesting her eggs, and even adoption.

All we have wanted was a family, so we began looking at Plan B and Plan C.

Fortunately, Plan A came to fruition!

As we are expecting Babe to arrive soon, I want to share with you some of what Natasha did to get to the point of conception. I hope her story can be in inspiration to you if you are in a similar position with your health.

Here We Go

First, we got to the bottom of what triggered her EBV and Hashimoto’s Disease. Detoxifying mold from Natasha’s body took a lot longer than we expected due to being re-exposed after leaving California. Note: make sure to discuss mold testing with me if you suspect you have been exposed. We learned the hard way when testing and detoxifying mold.

Second, we did A LOT of testing. Specifically, we tested for the following:

1) Candida – this is commonly seen in mold patients
2) Lyme Disease – luckily she was negative for this
3) Genetic mutations – we all have them, and supporting her mutations was crucial

Third, we did a lot of detoxifying. Genetically, Natasha doesn’t detoxify very well. Specifically, she doesn’t detoxify mold well. I see this with a lot of patients. This is why a I didn’t get as sick as Natasha, even though we lived in the same house and were exposed to the same toxins.

Natasha doesn’t make glutathione very well. We learned this from her genetic testing as well. Being low on glutathione played a role in her inability to get rid of toxins from the mold.

Fourth, we supporting her methylation mutations that impacted her immune system. Autoimmune disease runs in Natasha’s family. Her mother and two sisters have Hashimoto’s Disease. Genetically, Natasha has mutations that impact how well her immune system functions. You may have heard of the methylation genes. Some doctors check for MTHFR mutations. However, those are only two out of thirteen methylation genes that can impact the immune system.

Fifth, we followed up on her thyroid markers, religiously. I know after working with many families through the years that miscarriages happen when thyroid hormones are low. In order to feel confident in beginning to try and have a family, I wanted to see Natasha’s thyroid hormones look perfect!

Sixth, I finally looked at iodine levels. I feel this was a huge piece of Natasha’s puzzle. Since testing her iodine, I have made it part of my routine blood panels for those with thyroid disorders. Like most Hashimoto’s patients, Natasha was really low on iodine.

We developed our own thyroid supplement when we found this out. The supplement has thyroid, pituitary, hypothalamus, and thymus glandulars, along with a small amount of iodine.

If one has Hashimoto’s Disease, you must be VERYcareful supplement with iodine. You can make yourself feel worse if iodine levels get too high.

I was taught to NEVER give a Hashimoto’s patient iodine. But, I am stubborn and hard-headed…I used my wife as a guinea pig. I will say this, I have great mentors and teachers, but sometimes even with the best people in your corner you need to think for yourself and challenge the traditional dogma.

Iodine was HUGE for Natasha and many of my patients since.

This process may sound easy, but it took almost 6-years.

Why Did it Take so Long?

We had to figure it out on our own.

We consulted with other specialists, but it all came down to use putting the pieces together over time.

Unfortunately, Natasha’s story is very common. I have other women share similar stories to me on a weekly basis.

The good news, now I can speed up the healing process for them after years of developing protocols based on what Natasha and I went through.

If you are struggling conceiving or having multiple miscarriages, reach out to me. Let’s chat about what may be missing. You are not in this battle alone!

An Estimated 22% of the U.S. Population have the Genetic Predisposition to be Affected by Mold

An Estimated 22% of the U.S. Population have the Genetic Predisposition to be Affected by Mold
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Categories:adrenal failure, adrenal gland fatigue, Black Mold, Candida, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epstein-Barr Virus, Hashimoto's Disease, Hypothyroidism, Mold Toxicity, Thyroid Disease
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Mycotoxins are hidden from plain sight but may be at the root of many peoples’ health condition(s).

These toxins are released from mold. Not all mold release mycotoxins and this is why testing for mold AND mycotoxins is important (more about this in a later article.

Mycotoxins were at the root of my wife’s autoimmune condition (Hashimoto’s Disease).

We could not see these immunosuppressants. We could not smell them. However, they were doing damage to Natasha, and even our two dogs.

Why You Can’t See Mycotoxins

Mycotoxins are soooo tiny they can pass through drywall. If something is that small, it is no wonder you can’t see it.

They are released from mold. Mold can come from water damage in a home, or from a really humid, warm area.

Not all mold is visible, and this was the case for us.

We were living in Laguna Beach, CA. 1 1/2 blocks off of the beach. Loving life! Then, all hell broke loose!

Long story short, we couldn’t see the mold, but we had suspicions. We called a mold inspector and as soon as he cut into the drywall and showed us what was behind, hidden from plain sight, we knew what we had to do…MOVE!

I go into details about that in other articles so I wont dive into that here.

Natasha Developed an AI Condition but I Did Not, Why?

Genetics played a major role in protecting my body while Natasha’s immune system took a nose dive.

There are specific genes that if mutated can make it difficult to detoxify mold. Not only that, but the mold causes an extremely inflammatory process to begin occurring in the body.

What Are These Genes?

The two genes responsible for mold toxicity are HLA DRB2 and HLA DRB1

There are two genes I test for in patients with suspected mold toxicity: HLA DRB1 and HLA DRB2. When mutated, your body will have a difficult time detoxifying the mycotoxins released by mold, and your immune system can become weakened. A weakened immune system is a recipe for disaster!

What Do You Do?

If you have been exposed, have tested your body for mold (hopefully, you are not in the environment that made you sick), then it is time to begin detoxifying the body and building up the immune system.

Glutathione, NAC, binders, Ozone Therapy, coffee enemas, liver detox protocols, immune boosters were all part of Natasha’s protocol to rid herself of the mycotoxins and support her immune system.

This process took A LONG TIME. We had to learn as we went.

The important takeaway…she is better. We are about to be parents. We will be able to say we have “living proof” that you can heal! How cool is that?


If you have questions about mold issues, gene mutations or your health condition, schedule a complimentary consultation and let’s chat.

Mycotoxins are hidden from plain sight but may be at the root of many peoples’ health condition(s).

These toxins are released from mold. Not all mold release mycotoxins and this is why testing for mold AND mycotoxins is important (more about this in a later article.

Mycotoxins were at the root of my wife’s autoimmune condition (Hashimoto’s Disease).

We could not see these immunosuppressants. We could not smell them. However, they were doing damage to Natasha, and even our two dogs.

Why You Can’t See Mycotoxins

Mycotoxins are soooo tiny they can pass through drywall. If something is that small, it is no wonder you can’t see it.

They are released from mold. Mold can come from water damage in a home, or from a really humid, warm area.

Not all mold is visible, and this was the case for us.

We were living in Laguna Beach, CA. 1 1/2 blocks off of the beach. Loving life! Then, all hell broke loose!

Long story short, we couldn’t see the mold, but we had suspicions. We called a mold inspector and as soon as he cut into the drywall and showed us what was behind, hidden from plain sight, we knew what we had to do…MOVE!

I go into details about that in other articles so I wont dive into that here.

Natasha Developed an AI Condition but I Did Not, Why?

Genetics played a major role in protecting my body while Natasha’s immune system took a nose dive.

There are specific genes that if mutated can make it difficult to detoxify mold. Not only that, but the mold causes an extremely inflammatory process to begin occurring in the body.

What Are These Genes?

The two genes responsible for mold toxicity are HLA DRB2 and HLA DRB1

There are two genes I test for in patients with suspected mold toxicity: HLA DRB1 and HLA DRB2. When mutated, your body will have a difficult time detoxifying the mycotoxins released by mold, and your immune system can become weakened. A weakened immune system is a recipe for disaster!

What Do You Do?

If you have been exposed, have tested your body for mold (hopefully, you are not in the environment that made you sick), then it is time to begin detoxifying the body and building up the immune system.

Glutathione, NAC, binders, Ozone Therapy, coffee enemas, liver detox protocols, immune boosters were all part of Natasha’s protocol to rid herself of the mycotoxins and support her immune system.

This process took A LONG TIME. We had to learn as we went.

The important takeaway…she is better. We are about to be parents. We will be able to say we have “living proof” that you can heal! How cool is that?


If you have questions about mold issues, gene mutations or your health condition, schedule a complimentary consultation and let’s chat.

Diagnosed with an Autoimmune Condition, Test for Lyme Disease!

Diagnosed with an Autoimmune Condition, Test for Lyme Disease!
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Categories:Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epstein-Barr Virus, Hashimoto's Disease, Lupus, Lyme Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis
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For years I have worked with autoimmune patients to help them get to the root of the AI condition.

Lately, I have been finding more and more Lyme Disease in those who have previously been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition. 

Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis are two conditions that raise a reg flag for me. When I hear the diagnosis of either, I immediately begin suspecting Lyme Disease.

Not All Lyme Testing is Created Equal

Lyme Disease is not the easiest condition to diagnose. Apart from symptoms ranging wildly, conventional lab tests are not specific or sensitive enough to find the disease in many cases.

Symptoms such as chronic fatigue, unexplained joint/muscle pain, constant brain fog, dizziness, vertigo, GI distress, anxiety and depression are all warning signs. 

Who Should You Test Through?

When I combine those symptoms with having a previous diagnosis of an autoimmune condition, I recommend testing for Lyme Disease in many patients.

The gold standard for Lyme testing has been IGeneX. A typical Western Blot test from Kaiser is not sufficient, which is why specialized labs like IGeneX have been helping to properly diagnosis Lyme patients for years.

Immuno Sciences Lab is another great lab that I have used in the past. I tested Natasha through them years ago.

Now, we have a new lab that is at the forefront of Lyme testing, Vibrant Wellness.

Vibrant is the only lab to have completed all four rounds of CDC sample validation, including both non-blinded and blinded sample verification.

Plus, their accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity is much higher than other labs.

Using chip technology, they are able to have enhanced IgM testing for early detection of Lyme.

But, Dr. King I don’t remember being bit by a tick!

Not all patients who have Lyme Disease remember being bit by a tick, or getting a bull’s eye rash when removing a tick form their body.

I have a patient whose son has Lyme Disease that was passed through the placenta during pregnancy!

Some are even saying Lyme can be passed by mosquitos!!! I hate to think of this as I am a magnet for mosquitos.

One common denominator remains the same in most Lyme patients: they didn’t know they had it until years later after going from doctor to doctor, only to be told they have ‘X, Y, or Z’ condition.

If you are still struggling with a chronic autoimmune condition, reach out to me to discuss the possibility of testing for Lyme Disease.

For years I have worked with autoimmune patients to help them get to the root of the AI condition.

Lately, I have been finding more and more Lyme Disease in those who have previously been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition. 

Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis are two conditions that raise a reg flag for me. When I hear the diagnosis of either, I immediately begin suspecting Lyme Disease.

Not All Lyme Testing is Created Equal

Lyme Disease is not the easiest condition to diagnose. Apart from symptoms ranging wildly, conventional lab tests are not specific or sensitive enough to find the disease in many cases.

Symptoms such as chronic fatigue, unexplained joint/muscle pain, constant brain fog, dizziness, vertigo, GI distress, anxiety and depression are all warning signs. 

Who Should You Test Through?

When I combine those symptoms with having a previous diagnosis of an autoimmune condition, I recommend testing for Lyme Disease in many patients.

The gold standard for Lyme testing has been IGeneX. A typical Western Blot test from Kaiser is not sufficient, which is why specialized labs like IGeneX have been helping to properly diagnosis Lyme patients for years.

Immuno Sciences Lab is another great lab that I have used in the past. I tested Natasha through them years ago.

Now, we have a new lab that is at the forefront of Lyme testing, Vibrant Wellness.

Vibrant is the only lab to have completed all four rounds of CDC sample validation, including both non-blinded and blinded sample verification.

Plus, their accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity is much higher than other labs.

Using chip technology, they are able to have enhanced IgM testing for early detection of Lyme.

But, Dr. King I don’t remember being bit by a tick!

Not all patients who have Lyme Disease remember being bit by a tick, or getting a bull’s eye rash when removing a tick form their body.

I have a patient whose son has Lyme Disease that was passed through the placenta during pregnancy!

Some are even saying Lyme can be passed by mosquitos!!! I hate to think of this as I am a magnet for mosquitos.

One common denominator remains the same in most Lyme patients: they didn’t know they had it until years later after going from doctor to doctor, only to be told they have ‘X, Y, or Z’ condition.

If you are still struggling with a chronic autoimmune condition, reach out to me to discuss the possibility of testing for Lyme Disease.

Are You Living in an Environment with Mold? Here is What We Did!

Are You Living in an Environment with Mold?  Here is What We Did!
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Categories:Black Mold, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epstein-Barr Virus, Hashimoto's Disease, Mold Toxicity, Uncategorized
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Last week a patient reached out and said a new house they bought had black mold in the kitchen. She was looking for advice on what they should do.

While I am the first to say I am not a mold remediation expert, I do feel I have a great deal of knowledge due to what my wife, Natasha, and I have been through in the past.

If you suspect mold in your living environment, here is what I recommend:

Test your living environment. You can hire a mold inspector to come out, or you may contact a company like Real Time Labs to order a testing kit yourself. We have used Real Time Labs multiple times for us, and I refer all my patients to them.

Get out of the environment if your test results come back positive. There is no need to expose your immune system to more toxins. I realize this isn’t possible for everyone. When we were exposed the first time to black mold, we moved in two days. Luckily, we were in a beach rental in Laguna Beach, CA.

If you own your home, I recommend going to stay in a hotel while you figure out what is causing the mold/mycotoxins. We did this the second time we were exposed to mold.

Higher a well respected mold remediation company. Not all mold remediation companies are created equal. Do your due diligence when interviewing a company. A good start is The Mold Pros as many of my patients have had great success with them.

Ask about their mold remediation process for your personal items, not just your home.

Speaking of Personal Items

When we were exposed the first time, we had no idea about remediating our personal items. We took ALL of our items to the new home. That was a mistake!

We knew better after our second exposure.

We decided to remediate most of our personal items ourselves. We did get rid of couches, mattresses, rugs, curtains and anything we were not attached to.

Again, I am not a mold remediation expert but this is how we remediated our personal items. How do I know…my wife has her life back!

This Was Our Process…

First…We bought EC3 mold products, including their spray, candles, laundry additive and fogging solution. We washed all of our clothing in borax and EC3’s laundry additive. 

We took very good care not to cross contaminate anything we washed. This involved sealing our clothes in huge rubbermaid containers from Target when transporting them to the laundry mat. We decided to use the laundry mat because it was faster lining up multiple washing machines and dryers. Plus, the industrial dryers heat to a higher temperature than personal dryers. Heat kills mycotoxins!

Dress clothes and Natasha’s “fancy” shoes and jackets that couldn’t be washed (we have read that dry cleaners don’t work well for killing/ridding mycotoxins from clothes) were fogged and ozinated.

Second…Anything with a hard surface we wiped down with EC3 spray.

Third…Anything we couldn’t wash or wipe down, we fogged using EC3 concentrate and their fogger.

Fourth…We also bought an ozone generator and ozinated everything, along with our vehicles.  Keep in mind, you care mycotoxins from your home to your vehicles!

Fifth…Kitchenware was cleaned with the EC3 spray and appliances were ozinated and fogged.

Sixth…Sporting gear (hiking, cycling, mountaineering, etc.) were all wiped (if hard surface), fogged and ozinated.

This process took several days and was a nightmare. I don’t wish it upon anyone. But, we got it down and focused our attention on detoxifying our body’s.

If you have questions/concerns, schedule a complimentary consultation and let’s chat.

Last week a patient reached out and said a new house they bought had black mold in the kitchen. She was looking for advice on what they should do.

While I am the first to say I am not a mold remediation expert, I do feel I have a great deal of knowledge due to what my wife, Natasha, and I have been through in the past.

If you suspect mold in your living environment, here is what I recommend:

Test your living environment. You can hire a mold inspector to come out, or you may contact a company like Real Time Labs to order a testing kit yourself. We have used Real Time Labs multiple times for us, and I refer all my patients to them.

Get out of the environment if your test results come back positive. There is no need to expose your immune system to more toxins. I realize this isn’t possible for everyone. When we were exposed the first time to black mold, we moved in two days. Luckily, we were in a beach rental in Laguna Beach, CA.

If you own your home, I recommend going to stay in a hotel while you figure out what is causing the mold/mycotoxins. We did this the second time we were exposed to mold.

Higher a well respected mold remediation company. Not all mold remediation companies are created equal. Do your due diligence when interviewing a company. A good start is The Mold Pros as many of my patients have had great success with them.

Ask about their mold remediation process for your personal items, not just your home.

Speaking of Personal Items

When we were exposed the first time, we had no idea about remediating our personal items. We took ALL of our items to the new home. That was a mistake!

We knew better after our second exposure.

We decided to remediate most of our personal items ourselves. We did get rid of couches, mattresses, rugs, curtains and anything we were not attached to.

Again, I am not a mold remediation expert but this is how we remediated our personal items. How do I know…my wife has her life back!

This Was Our Process…

First…We bought EC3 mold products, including their spray, candles, laundry additive and fogging solution. We washed all of our clothing in borax and EC3’s laundry additive. 

We took very good care not to cross contaminate anything we washed. This involved sealing our clothes in huge rubbermaid containers from Target when transporting them to the laundry mat. We decided to use the laundry mat because it was faster lining up multiple washing machines and dryers. Plus, the industrial dryers heat to a higher temperature than personal dryers. Heat kills mycotoxins!

Dress clothes and Natasha’s “fancy” shoes and jackets that couldn’t be washed (we have read that dry cleaners don’t work well for killing/ridding mycotoxins from clothes) were fogged and ozinated.

Second…Anything with a hard surface we wiped down with EC3 spray.

Third…Anything we couldn’t wash or wipe down, we fogged using EC3 concentrate and their fogger.

Fourth…We also bought an ozone generator and ozinated everything, along with our vehicles.  Keep in mind, you care mycotoxins from your home to your vehicles!

Fifth…Kitchenware was cleaned with the EC3 spray and appliances were ozinated and fogged.

Sixth…Sporting gear (hiking, cycling, mountaineering, etc.) were all wiped (if hard surface), fogged and ozinated.

This process took several days and was a nightmare. I don’t wish it upon anyone. But, we got it down and focused our attention on detoxifying our body’s.

If you have questions/concerns, schedule a complimentary consultation and let’s chat.

Athletes, Surgery and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Athletes, Surgery and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
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Categories:Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epstein-Barr Virus, Uncategorized
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Athletes get injured.  It happens.

You do not have to be a professional athlete to suffer a devastating injury.  Some of these injuries land you, the athlete, in a hospital bed requiring a surgery to fix/repair what was injured.

I have been there.  36 major broken bones and 12 surgeries!  I know what it is like to be cut on, rehab and rebuild the body.

Injuries are a necessary evil for sport. 

What doesn’t have to be a necessary evil is developing chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or Epstein Barr Virus (EBV).

Many athletes have an injury, go in for a surgery, begin training/competing and then notice their body isn’t the same.  

Fatigue is haunting them.

After seeing doctors, they are diagnosed with CFS or EBV.

Why does this happen?

I have seen a few common denominators in these athletes and they all revolve around their genetic mutations.

The following genes are commonly mutated in these athletes: NOS2, TRAF-1, GSTM1 and GSTP1.

Note the TRAF1 mutation. This mutation predisposes athletes to Epstein Barr Virus
Note the NOS2 mutation. This mutation predisposes athletes to exercise intolerance and fatigue.
Note the GSTM3 mutation. This mutation makes it difficult to detoxify chemicals from anesthesia.

What does this mean?  It means that these athletes were predisposed, genetically, to developing CFS, exercise intolerance and/or EBV.  

The GSTM1 and GSTM3 genes will impact how well an athlete is able to detoxify toxins, especially chemicals from anesthesia.

If your body can not detoxify chemicals properly, your immune system will take a hit. Your body will have a difficult time recovering. You will also be more susceptible to viral infections like Epstein Barr Virus.

I don’t find it a coincidence that the chronically fatigued athlete will develop CFS and/or EBV AFTER surgery.  

If you are struggling with CFS or EBV, contact me and let’s discuss if your genetics are holding you back from competing at the level you once did.

Athletes get injured.  It happens.

You do not have to be a professional athlete to suffer a devastating injury.  Some of these injuries land you, the athlete, in a hospital bed requiring a surgery to fix/repair what was injured.

I have been there.  36 major broken bones and 12 surgeries!  I know what it is like to be cut on, rehab and rebuild the body.

Injuries are a necessary evil for sport. 

What doesn’t have to be a necessary evil is developing chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or Epstein Barr Virus (EBV).

Many athletes have an injury, go in for a surgery, begin training/competing and then notice their body isn’t the same.  

Fatigue is haunting them.

After seeing doctors, they are diagnosed with CFS or EBV.

Why does this happen?

I have seen a few common denominators in these athletes and they all revolve around their genetic mutations.

The following genes are commonly mutated in these athletes: NOS2, TRAF-1, GSTM1 and GSTP1.

Note the TRAF1 mutation. This mutation predisposes athletes to Epstein Barr Virus
Note the NOS2 mutation. This mutation predisposes athletes to exercise intolerance and fatigue.
Note the GSTM3 mutation. This mutation makes it difficult to detoxify chemicals from anesthesia.

What does this mean?  It means that these athletes were predisposed, genetically, to developing CFS, exercise intolerance and/or EBV.  

The GSTM1 and GSTM3 genes will impact how well an athlete is able to detoxify toxins, especially chemicals from anesthesia.

If your body can not detoxify chemicals properly, your immune system will take a hit. Your body will have a difficult time recovering. You will also be more susceptible to viral infections like Epstein Barr Virus.

I don’t find it a coincidence that the chronically fatigued athlete will develop CFS and/or EBV AFTER surgery.  

If you are struggling with CFS or EBV, contact me and let’s discuss if your genetics are holding you back from competing at the level you once did.

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