Do you have a thyroid gland disease, diabetes, or an autoimmune condition?

Do you have a thyroid gland disease, diabetes, or an autoimmune condition?
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Categories:Hashimoto's Disease, Thyroid Disease
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We specialize in working with patients who are suffering from chronic health conditions: thyroid gland disease, diabetes, and autoimmune conditions. We combine the knowledge of both functional neurology and nutrition to work with those that have been failed by the traditional medical model and alternative model.

Using specific neurological rehabilitation and metabolic work-ups, our patients are given top-notch diagnostic evaluations and management plans.

Emphasis of care will be placed on the four main areas: neurology, endocrinology, immunology, and neurotransmitters.

If you are looking for a clinic whose mission is to improve the quality of their patients’ lives, the Tustin Chronic Condition Center might be the right place for you!

The conditions we work with are endless, however, the following are some of the more common conditions we see walk in our clinic doors:

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Grave’s Disease
Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes
Balance Disorders
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Multiple Sclerosis
Movement Disorders
Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease
Parkinson’s Disease
Leaky Gut Syndrome/Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Autism, ADD/ADHD, and Learning Disabilities
Hi, my name is Maria K. and I am a patient of Dr. Corey King. I came to his clinic one day because I found him on the internet, as I was “Googling” trying to find out what was wrong with me. At the time, I was taking 2-3 hour naps, I could barely get out of bed and I was in a fog. I was taking approximately 6-9 pills everyday just to get out of bed. I was taking vitamins after vitamins, iron pills, and I was also taking levothyroxine, and I was honestly, so depressed, and I couldn’t find a way to get better…I found Dr. King and he put me on a program…and it made a huge difference. I was very skeptical at first…and after being on the program for 6 months I can honestly say, that I am a new woman!!!To watch her life changing testimonial video, visit our Testimonial page!
Did you know that your gut makes up about 60% of your immune system? If you are having any gastro-intestinal complications, your body cannot heal! In order for you to have a health functioning immune system, your gut lining must not be compromised

“Hello, my name is Camille and I was referred to Dr. Corey King from a meeting I attended. I was not feeling well for about a year or so, and he happened to give a presentation that day and I realized then that I needed to see Dr. King. Since seeing Dr. King, I have lost 25 lbs, I have more energy than I ever have before, and life to me is brand new all over again…I feel 10 years younger. I would recommend Dr. Corey King to anybody. He is fabulous and he saved my life!”To watch her life changing testimonial video, CLICK here!
Unfortunately, we tend to be the last place patients come when they are struggling with their health condition. I routinely hear, “this was my last stop”, “I was so sick and tired of being sick and tired”, and “I didn’t know what to do…”

“Hi, my name is Nancy, and I wanted to tell you personally what the oxygen treatments with Dr. Corey King have done for me. My balance was very off…I came to his conference where he answered a bunch of questions and saw where this could help me. What it has done is given me an entirely new life…I am no longer taking Prednisone or high-blood pressure medication. I was tired of being tired…you need to try his care!”To watch her life changing testimonial video, CLICK here!
If you are ready for life changing care, Dr King might be the Dr. for you!

If you would like to talk more about your health condition, give my staff a call (866) 375-4641 to schedule your complimentary phone consultation.


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