Adrenal Glands and Thyroid Gland Dysfunction

Adrenal Glands and Thyroid Gland Dysfunction
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The adrenal glands play an important role in regulating normal body function and are closely tied into thyroid gland dysfunction. Adrenal glands are located in your body above your kidney and are approximately 3 inches wide. In the human body there exists only two adrenal glands, and without them functioning properly a person will face deleterious effects towards health. .

Regulation of blood sugar in the body is one of most important roles that the adrenal glands play. The adrenals produce hormones that help to balance your blood sugar, which in turn helps your body to manage the flow of energy. Monitoring blood sugar is also very important in regards to someone with thyroid dysfunction. Spiked blood sugar in the body will exacerbate thyroid conditions causing increased symptoms. Adrenal glands also release cortisol which is an inflammatory hormone that can lead to symptoms such as increased brain fog and short term memory loss within thyroid patients. Such complications can be brought on from what’s called adrenal fatigue wherein a person’s adrenal glands become exhausted and cease to function properly. Adrenal fatigue often develops after periods of intense or lengthy physical or emotional stress, when overstimulation of the glands leaves them unable to meet the body’s needs.

Since the adrenal glands play such an important role in regulating blood sugar, treating them is important to maintaining proper health. Unfortunately, in most patients the adrenal glands are overlooked and are left untreated. When not functioning properly, adrenal fatigue can lead to the following symptoms in the body:

excessive fatigue and exhaustion
non-refreshing sleep (you get sufficient hours of sleep, but wake fatigued)
overwhelmed by or unable to cope with stressors
feeling rundown or overwhelmed
craving salty and sweet foods
you feel most energetic in the evening
a feeling of not being restored after a full night’s sleep or having sleep disturbances
low stamina, slow to recover from exercise
slow to recover from injury, illness or stress
In the traditional medical model, there is no treatment for adrenal gland dysfunction. Even worse, in the alternative model, most doctors are only giving adrenal gland supplementation and missing the crucial piece of the puzzle…the brain. The brain, specifically the temporal lobe, is what controls the rate and rhythm of cortisol being secreted from the adrenal glands. Supplementation alone will typically not restore the adrenal glands to 100%, leaving a patient frustrated and searching for more answers.

Do you feel your doctors are missing this piece of the puzzle? Call my clinic and I will begin unraveling this complex web of your chronic health condition: (714) 731-7680.

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