Replace Your Morning Coffee with This Energy Boosting Drink!

Replace Your Morning Coffee with This  Energy Boosting Drink!
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Categories:Thyroid Disease - Treatment


Many patients I work with must stop drinking coffee in order for their body’s to heal. Why? Here are some of the major reasons why I am not a fan of coffee:

  • It is a stimulate, which is why people drink it. However, if your adrenal glands’ ability to function is already hindered, throwing more gasoline onto the fire is not the ideal way to go. Caffeine drives the adrenal glands further down the road of no return.
  • Coffee is very acidic. The body can’t heal if it is acidic. Cancer loves an acidic environment. The only part of your body you want acidic, is your stomach.
  • Coffee leaches calcium out of bones. Osteopenia/osteoperosis is one condition women become concerned about down the road.
  • Coffee cross-reacts with gluten. If you have a gluten sensitivity, or have Hashimoto’s Disease, stay far way from coffee.
  • Who wants to smell coffee breath, anyway???

I Can’t Drink Coffee….Ahhhhhhhhh!!!

This is my new favorite morning, hot drink. However, I must give credit where credit is due and it was my lovely, beautiful Natasha who gave me this idea and recipe! Behind every good man, is a great woman 🙂


Let’s Get Started!

Warm almond or coconut milk (you may use water if want). While it is warming, I begin to combine my Energy Boost products in my favorite mug:

  1. 1 TSP of Matcha Tea (this is a type of green tea)
  2. 1 capsule of Premier Turmeric (I get this from Premier Research Labs)
  3. 1 TSP of cinnamon
  4. 1 TSP of cardamon
  5. 1 BIG TSP of Extra Virgin Coconut oil


Mix it all together, and BAM!!! You have a power packed warm drink in the morning that won’t hold you back from healing, if anything you will love the way you feel after drinking it.

For those that rely on coffee to make you…cough cough…”go” in the morning, fear not…this will still get the bowels moving!

Give it a try and tell me what you think!


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