Hypothyroid Symptoms

Hypothyroid Symptoms
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Categories:Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Disease - Symptoms

Signs and Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism

Are you still struggling with hypothyroid symptoms even though are taking your medications?

Did you know that 90% of hypothyroid patients are still struggling with thyroid symptoms, even though they are taking their medication?  The reason many hypothyroid (low thyroid) patients are still battling with their fatigue, hair loss, weight gain, and brain fog is because they were misdiagnosed to begin with.  These patients are actually suffering with Hashimoto’s Disease.  And here is the secret; medication may not help the Hashimoto’s patient feel better…because the medication doesn’t do anything to fix the problem.  What is the problem?

Hashimoto’s Disease will cause hypothyroid symptoms!

Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune condition that is attacking the thyroid gland.  Not many doctors are running patients’ thyroid antibodies to screen for this autoimmune condition.  Instead, Hashimoto’s patients are still having brain fog, memory loss, depression, cold hands and feet, not to mention the fatigue that goes along with these life-debilitating symptoms.

When your thyroid gland is under functioning, it can’t produce hormone properly.  The bad news is that every single cell of your body relies upon that thyroid hormone.  The brain is extremely reliant upon a functioning thyroid gland, when the gland is not work…patients begin to have quicker neurological degeneration (i.e. Dementia, Alzheimer’s and/or Parkinson’s Disease).

In order to control Hashimoto’s Disease, you must first figure out what is driving the autoimmune attack to begin with.  Here is a short, but not comprehensive, list of some of the triggers that drive Hashimoto’s:

  • Is Leaky Gut Syndrome occurring? This is when the gut lining is inflamed and not absorbing vitamins and minerals very well.
  • Does this patient have any hidden infections? Doctors miss infections a lot (parasitic and bacterial infections are some of the most common).
  • Does the patient have any food sensitivities? Many times, patients are eating foods that make their body attack the thyroid gland (gluten, dairy and soy are the BIG three)?
  • How is the patient’s blood sugar? Is it stabilized throughout the day?  Is the patient a diabetic?  Does the patient suffer from hypoglycemia?
  • Is the liver working well? The liver plays a critical role in thyroid hormone conversion, along with getting inflammation down.

How to manage Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism?

When one has an autoimmune condition, it will never go away!  However, you can still live a wonderful life as long as you are managing your condition properly.

Once I help patients figure out the triggers driving the autoimmune condition, a multi-faceted approach is needed to keep the immune system from attacking the thyroid gland.  I teach patients how to clean up their eating (I hate the word diet; what are the first three letters of the word?), along with guiding them through the healing process utilizing homeopathies and supplementation.

Helping the body heal is rarely a quick fix, instead healing takes time and effort on a patient’s part.  My job is to teach and educate, guiding patients through the process.

These are just a few of the basics of autoimmune management for Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism.  If you feel this may be an approach that you need, contact my staff to schedule your consultation: (866) 375-4641.


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