Every Organ Plays a Role in Autoimmune Patients

Every Organ Plays a Role in Autoimmune Patients
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Fighting an autoimmune condition requires that all your organs are working properly. The body is designed like a machine where all the parts, in this case organs, must be functioning properly for the machine to work. For this is reason, it is extremely important to examine the entire body when treating an autoimmune condition. Traditional medical approaches rely more on treating conditions bases on their symptoms. The flaw in this approach is that oftentimes important organs and bodily functions are overlooked when in fact they are at the source of the problem. Out of all the bodily organs, the Gastrointestinal System is of extreme importance in terms of functionality. It makes ups 80% of the immune system and without this part of the body working properly, autoimmune patients can not expect to get better.

If you feel your doctor is not looking at all of your organs as possible causes for your autoimmune condition, call us at The Tustin Chronic Condition Center for a free consultation. 714-731-7680

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