Process #1 – Schedule an Appointment

#1 Schedule an Appointment

Are you ready to schedule your complimentary phone consultation with Dr. King? Dr. King works with patients all over the world; utilizing technology he is able to help patients while in the comfort of their own home.

Dr. King is on the forefront of this type of concierge service. No more waiting at the doctor’s office for 30-60 minutes beyond your appointment time. Simply, select your date and time that works well for you, and Dr. King will call or Skype you at the number you request.


What should you expect on your first call with Dr. King?

Dr. King will then recommend the next step for you if he feels that you and he would have a good working relationship. Majority of the time, Dr. King is going to recommend a thorough blood test to be run (If you have had your blood tests run recently, he will want to see them to determine if your doctor ran the correct blood tests. Make sure to have copies of these blood tests emailed or faxed to Dr. King prior to your phone consultation) and he will explain how to have this performed.

Dr. King uses Labcorp for his basic blood tests, and he goes through a Co-op to get cash rates for patients, as insurance does NOT cover Dr. King’s Natural Recovery Programs. Dr. King will give you more information on this on your first call.

Are you ready to schedule your appointment?

Two ways to schedule:


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